3Rs and Beyond, Inc., a 501 (c)3 organization, is dedicated to promoting sustainable living and the 3Rs in the community through educational programs that focus on young children and their families. We want to empower people to help preserve the environment and build, together, a healthy, harmonious, and sustainable community where there is no room for waste.

The goal of the Connect to Help Protect program series is to assist reestablishing the connection between individuals and the natural world to help them better understand the impact that their actions have on the environment and on lives. It engages participants and facilitates their transition to become agents of change in our community.

The first program of this series, Connect to Help Protect – Water and Marine Wildlife, is designed to raise awareness of the impact that daily, ordinary activities may have on the environment, and in this case, specifically the Indian River Lagoon. By the same token, the program helps participants realize that solutions to those problems are also in our hands. The program takes individuals from a hands-on activity to an actual project that shows how every little bit we do may contribute to environmental degradation but also may help prevent pollution and protect life.

In this project, participants make and help distribute portable recycle bins to temporarily store used fishing line to be recycled. That helps not only prevent anglers and boaters from throwing their line in the water and harming marine life, divers, and damaging boats but also increases the amount of fishing line recycled through the Monofilament Recovery and Recycling Program.

This project combines efforts from various organizations and it is a recycling project within another recycling project. Recycle Brevard, the recycling arm of 3Rs and Beyond, collects the containers that are used to create portable recycle bins and that would, otherwise, end up in the landfill.

We are looking for partners to help us acquire materials, make and distribute the bins. We hope that, like Anglers for Conservation, you, too, are willing to partner with us on this program to help engage others and emphasize your position as one of the leaders in our community caring for our environment and the legacy we leave to our younger generation.

Marcia Booth – Founder and President

