Hello. My name is Tammy Wilson and I am a middle aged born again “environmentalist” on a mission. I hate fishing. I hate fishermen. I hate everything you stand for and I’m here to tell you about it.

I hate that you hurt and kill so many fish with little regard for their population.  I hate that you leave your beer cans and trash all over the shoreline.  I hate that your boats cut prop scars on manatees and grass flats.  I hate having to explain to my children why that bird has a fish hook in its wing.  I hate it all.

It’s ok, though. You see, I am patient and passionate.  I’m slowly winning the battles. Perhaps you’ve noticed the loss of fishing access and tighter restrictions.  Oh yes, I am winning one battle at a time.  Before you know it, I’ll have won the war.

You make it easy. You give me all the negative examples I need for my propaganda. I have photos of tangled fishing line in trees, fish hooks in birds, litter on the ground, grass flats shredded by propellers and more.  These photos say a lot, and trust me I’m using them to my advantage.  I’m sure there are plenty of fishermen doing the right thing, setting positive examples, but that’s on you to prove, and so far, you haven’t done a very good job at that.  With your silence, my voice is more clearly heard.

You see, people DO listen, important people, powerful people, people who have the authority to make things happen.  When they listen it’s my voice they hear because you are not there. I am organized.  I have my arguments in order supported by photos and research.  And you?  You’re out fishing, scratching your head and wondering why the No Fishing signs are going up.

I’m Tammy Wilson and I hate fishermen. I’m coming to your town soon. I will be heard. Will you?


Did my phantasmic rant alarm you?  I hope so.  There are people who abide by these beliefs and are bent on destroying the sport we love.  If you don’t believe me check out groups like PETA.

Now let me explain the real Tammy Wilson.  I AM angry.  I’m angry that as an angler, I’m being lumped together with the inconsiderate few who disrespect our sport. I’m angry that despite warnings, fishermen littered so badly that authorities had no choice but to shut down access to some of my old fishing spots.

I AM an angler, but a new breed of angler, a Conservation Angler.  I respect the resource. I understand my impact. I know the waters I love and value so much, the great Indian River Lagoon, is sick, and needs our help.  We need to take action.

We need to make sure others know that we DO care. Our waterway’s most valuable allies are anglers. I know this because I see it. The general public does not see it.  They only see carelessly discarded bait cups and beer bottles, line tangled around trees, and manatees with propeller scars in their backs. They don’t see people like you and I out there trying to make a difference. They don’t see us picking up trash. They don’t see us educating other anglers. They don’t see us working with scientists and lawmakers to create better ways to protect our fish and waters. They don’t see us at meetings to protect our rights. It’s time they did.

Show up. Stand up. Speak up. Because if you don’t, someone else will.